Issue 8 - November 2005
INTRODUCTIONTo most people, the country of Papua-New Guinea, or PNG as it is usually known, is one of those out-of-the-way countries drowning in a mixture of "first" and "third world" problems: drug abuse, the AIDS epidemic, unemployment and a deep social malaise. But to Pastor Godfrey Wippon and his faithful pastors and leaders it is an opportunity for the Lord, as they demonstrate to us each year in September at their National Rally and Outreach. His simple message to the masses that crowd around his truck "You have had churches for over 100 years, but have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" And with that powerful message of healing and salvation visitors flock along in the thousands. The results? You can read about them below. The New Zealanders recently held their National Rally and you can read about that in this issue as well. They are keen to get overseas visitors over for their Christmas Camp, so if you like the look of the article, why not head over there for Christmas on the beautiful Kaputi Coast near Wellington? There are several other places where revival is breaking out. We've listed some of them in the World News section at the end of this edition. Please pray for them. They are your brothers and sisters in Christ and covet your prayers. A Council Meeting with New Zealand Pastors
PNG RALLY SEPTEMBER 2005Report from Pastor Joe Abel: "The PNG Rally was a great success. There were approx 2,500 visiting saints from all over PNG. There were 19 from Australia, one brother from NZ and a leader from the island of Tana in Vanuatu. Hundreds walked across the mountains from Wau. At least one new Centre was officially opened by pastors travelling this route. Some 106 brothers and sisters walked from Popondetta via the Kokoda track. Others travelled for days; some for weeks. They came on foot, by boat, in PMV's (local PNG microbuses Ed.) and airplanes. Some of the brothers and sisters used all modes of transport, including paddling down rivers in dugout canoes. On the Sunday after we arrived there were 77 baptisms after the Communion Meeting. While they were being spoken to in preparation for their baptism, 49 people received the Holy Spirit in another prayer line. There were well over 2 000 adults at that meeting and who knows how many children. The children were very well behaved: they sat, sang choruses and were quiet during the testimonies and talks for hours. The outreaching had commenced before we arrived with radio, TV and newspaper advertising. For two weeks prior to our arrival, four teams conducted separate outreaches each day. The Australian visitors outreached with these teams and went into a small seaside village called Boira (home of Leader Seneca and Sister Kolika). At the rally 6 of the villagers were baptized. By Sunday the baptism tally was 694. The prayer lines were huge - I did a rough head count and estimated there were about 700 people (mostly visitors) in one of the prayer lines. Over one hundred leaders and Pastors moved amongst them and they all had hands laid on them for prayer. There were many healings and hundreds received the Holy Spirit as they prayed. The latest count? As of the end of that week there were almost 900 folk baptized! Praise the Lord.
NEW ZEALAND RALLY OCTOBER 2005The New Zealand assemblies held their National Rally at Te Puke on the North Island last month, which proved a great fillip for the N.Z. Fellowship. Pastor Alan Butler and the saints of Te Puke excelled themselves in their hospitality and friendliness towards the visitors. The five local assemblies were all well represented and were joined by a number of visitors from overseas. The Council held its semi-annual meetings there to coincide with the National Rally, so seven Council Pastors made it over for the long weekend as well, and were able to spread some of the Good News from around the world. Pastor Godfrey was there, hot on the heels of his successful campaign in PNG, and provided plenty of testimonies and salvation anecdotes.
IN OTHER NEWSPHILIPPINESPastor Colin Tan tells us that the work is going well in the Philippines with another new centre just started at Annam. Excerpts of his report: "Brother Andrew Ng and I were in the Philippines from 4th to 13th September. I was there to do Ray and Alfea's wedding. Ray was baptized in my earlier trip in July and had asked me to conduct their wedding. Umingan is a provincial town about 5 hours north of Manila. The revival started in the beginning of the year. The group there is about 25 strong. Brother Alex came to the Lord through their witnessing. Alex is the town's well known hot tempered drunk and drug addict. After coming to the Lord his testimony has been outstanding. Picture shows Alex standing beside the last surviving post of his former home. He tore it down in a rage when his wife hid his drugs from him. He now works diligently in his padi field. Through his testimony his wife (Marlene), 2 daughters, mum, dad and a number of the town folks has come to the Lord. About 20 minutes from Umingan is a picturesque village call Annam. It sits at the foot of a mountain range. Revival has spilled over there too mostly through the efforts of Yolanda's cousin Lerma. FIJIPastor Nick reports the recent National Rally and Outreach in Labasa went well. Fourteen were Spirit filled and nine were baptized. The assemblies are doing well. Suva is planning to open a second meeting in the suburb of Nasuri, around 15km from the city centre. There are many folk in this region so it has great potential. For those interested in taking part, next year's Rally will be in Suva, an easily-reached location. KOREAThere are several saints in South Korea now. They came to the Lord in Dublin and recently moved back home. If you are heading that way, and can offer some fellowship, please contact your pastor and let him know. ZAMBIAPastors Brian Allen and Ron Carslake visited Zambia again at the beginning of August. Pastor Ron reports: "In Zambia the work has grown to 16 assemblies in 5 districts, plus small groups of individuals in 4 other areas. We managed to visit 10 of these assemblies as well as a married couple in Lusaka, the capital. Our purpose on this trip was to confirm that those who have been baptised previously are all Spirit filled, and to help appoint reliable men in each area to lead the work. During the course of our visit, another 38 people were baptised at various assemblies and 28 of these received the Holy Spirit. We wrote out 494 baptism cards for those baptised from 15th August 2004 up until we left on the 17th August 2005, and we were able to confirm that 417 of these are Spirit filled, speaking in tongues. Subsequently the local Pastor, Eddie, has advised me that another 11 people have been baptised and all were Spirit filled." Praise the Lord!
CANADAPastor Mark Lindal reports: "We had a great Thanksgiving in Canada just recently. The attached photo is of our annual Turkey dinner, held this year at our house. A great feast was eaten and lots of good fellowship followed."
USAWhile we're in the Americas, the Fresno assembly reports on a great September Camp held at Camp Hye Sierra about 6 miles from the entrance to Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Parks. The theme was Revelation 21:7 "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." With morning prayer, and a 10 minute talk outside near the lake followed by breakfast, morning and evening meetings and fellowship it was a great time for all there. "It was a beautiful location at about 4 400 feet elevation with the lodge and cabins spread out over a large area. There was a lake for swimming and canoeing which many enjoyed in the afternoons and another lake for fishing. Also during the afternoons several visitors went into the national parks to see the huge Sequoia trees only about a 1/2 hour drive from camp. About 137 attended camp from all over the U.S Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, Missouri, San Pedro and San Francisco. As well we had visitors from England, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. It was a very uplifting time for everyone", reports Pastor David. In other news, Coalinga, a smallish town an hour and a quarter from Fresno, has shown some promise with 3 baptisms recently. A house meeting is held there every Friday.
PERTHOn the topic of camps, the Perth assembly held its Next Generation Camp (for Western Australian assemblies' children from 8 to 13 years old) at the end of September at their camping ground at Beverley. This was a great time of learning, fun and fellowship. This was followed immediately by their full Spring Camp.
Issue 8 - November 2005
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