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Running time: 2 mins 31 secs
Amanda Manifold was born into a spirit filled family. In 1986, when just 8 years old she herself received the Holy Spirit with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues. That same year she became very ill and was diagnosed as having a rare and sinister form of leukaemia (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia - A.M.L). The treatment for this was still experimental and the doctors gave Amanda a 20% chance of survival to her tenth birthday. She underwent an autilogous bone marrow transplant. Sixteen months later she had a relapse and became gravely ill. She was 14 ½ weeks in intensive care, fighting for her life. On the 5th of January 1989 the specialists said they could not give her any more treatment and sadly told Amanda's parents that she would not see out another summer. "We have done all we can," they told them, "We can't perform miracles."

Amanda and her family knew God could perform miracles. They trusted fully in God's healing promises and never doubted that Amanda's health would be restored. Three weeks later she returned to school, strong, healthy and full of the joy of the Lord. Since 1989 she has had no further treatment. This amazing turn-around has confounded the specialists. Amanda praises God for her life and His unfailing promises. She has no fear of what tomorrow brings, and looks forward with great joy to Jesus' soon return.

Amanda Manifold - Mount Gambier - South Australia


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