Issue 9 - April 2006
INTRODUCTIONHave you ever been faced with question "That's all good and well; but what about those that never hear your gospel in darkest Africa?" The good news is, they do hear the Word in darkest Africa! In this issue we bring you breaking news of the latest revival in the Congo (some of Pastor Ron Carslake's contacts in South Africa led him up there a few weeks ago and you can read the exciting results below). We also bring you news of further revival in other African spots such as Zambia, Ghana, etc. In addition, you can read of revival taking place on Tanna, a small tropical island in the backblocks of Vanuatu, in the South Pacific as well as updates of the fellowship on Bali Island, Indonesia. Behind each of these stories there are wonderful blessings of healings, release from substance abuse, happy new lives, and all of them experiencing the powerful infilling of the Holy Ghost accompanied by the sign of 'speaking in other tongues'. As Jesus said, "Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you." (Acts1:8) The conclusion of this issue is a photo round up of the Christmas Camps that took place in December/January. It's a great life in the Lord! Enjoy!
CONGOPastor Ron Carslake of South Africa reports that two of his converts from Cape Town moved back to Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Until recently we had no assembly there. In March he visited these converts and followed up several other contacts. In the course of 12 days he baptised 16 people. There is now a group of 18 in fellowship in the Congo. Extracts of his report:
ZAMBIAThe work is progressing well. In early January Ps Ron Carslake from South Africa joined Pr Sammy from Kenya and traveled to Zambia. Together with local pastors Eddie and Millan they criss-crossed 1700km in two weeks and managed to visit 12 of our assemblies plus small outposts of saints. There have been 51 baptisms since August and they saw another 26 baptised on this trip. From the end of January to the middle of March, another 30 folk have been baptised and Spirit filled. They are pleased to report the Lord has opened up two new areas with baptisms: one near Solwezi and the other near Mufumbwe. The Fellowship in Zambia has now been officially registered with the relevant government authorities. Work on purchasing land for our projects is progressing. We are looking at small projects so that the locals may better support themselves. At Mufumbwe it is planned to construct fish ponds. Applications for three other areas are in hand. Our prayers are with Pastors Eddie and Millan who are working hard and diligently caring for the saints there.
ACCRA, GHANAPastor Pieter Vissser from Holland visited the new saints at Accra in January/February to follow up the new work and help them find their feet in the gospel message. He reports that locals quickly come along to hear the gospel message and they enjoyed 20 baptisms while there, including 10 baptised at a village, Koforidua.
TANNA ISLAND, VANUATUIn August 2004 Noel Cavanough and his wife Wendy from Newcastle, NSW, took 2 Tannese sisters from Pt Vila home for a brief outreach. While on Tanna Island he was asked to preach in a combination Presbyterian/cargo cult church. As a result, he baptised three women: two received the Holy Spirit and one was healed of a back disorder. Other contacts were made and a base established at White Sands. Another contact opened up in late 2005 with a disillusioned pastor named Jeffed, who looked after some 16 members at a place called Green Point: none had the Holy Spirit. With Noel's help they all received the Holy Spirit and were baptised. We now have one pastor, two area leaders and seven leaders, with 2 main centres and 3 sub-centres, caring for our saints there. The leaders and members were all delighted at our clarity of doctrine and glad to join us. The first Tanna Rally at Green Point has just been held at the end of March 2006. The rally was very successful. A number of healings took place. One young baby, about 8 months old with a very large head was healed. Area leader Jeffed reports that another child with the same condition was also healed. They also had 15 baptisms, with most of them receiving the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues. Noel adds: "I would like to stress, this is not a tourist destination and unsuitable for Western visitors at this time: conditions are rough and not many could manage them!" We thank the Lord for the work on Tanna Island. Please keep them in your prayers.
BALI, INDONESIAPastor Deane Clee reports the assembly is happy and growing.
Issue 9 - April 2006
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