Welcome to the latest news and reports from around the Revival Fellowship.
In this edition we cover the recent Council Meetings in Singapore, we introduce the assemblies in Fiji, and provide some news from around the world.
The final section is a "photo essay" of the various Christmas Camps, which just took place, and which we hope you enjoy.
Council Meetings in Singapore
The end-of-year Council Meetings took place in Singapore over the period 19-23rd November 2004. The weekend was very successful last time, and the location less taxing for those travelling from Europe, so we decided to go back.
The Rally
Again, the Council meetings were combined with an "Asian Rally" with plenty of pamphleting, advertising and witnessing to get the gospel message out.
Over 100 visitors attended the Rally with 21 folk deciding to be baptised either during the Rally, or, during the camp held the following weekend in Malaysia. Praise the Lord.
Brother Herman - the leader of our assembly in Bali was over in Singapore |
A baptism at the Singapore Rally |
Council Meetings
As usual, the Council received a variety of reports of what's happening in our Fellowship and the various outreaches around the world.
We also caught up with the practical needs of our brethren in the Mission areas, as well as all the usual administrative and practical matters.
A Council Meeting in Singapore NOV04 |
Ps Tony Tessamali accompanied Council Pastor Godfrey Wippon from PNG |
Several important financial appeals came in from overseas to the Council, including a special request to help complete the Brazilian banana plantation. The Council put out a request asking all pastors to make a special appeal. A few assemblies got in quickly and have sent in some $17 500. Please help generously when your assembly makes its appeal. To those who have already contributed, a heartfelt "thank you" from the overseas saints.
A number of other items emerged as a result of the Council Meetings that may be of interest to you.
Firstly, the following pastors' appointments were announced:
- John Redford has moved from Adelaide to take up the role in Bendigo, Australia;
- Bill Stockton becomes the third pastor in Fresno, USA;
- Carlton Tharps has moved with his family to look after the fledgling assembly in Pennsylvania, USA.
We are also looking for four pastors: one each for Wagga Wagga and North Sydney, in New South Wales, Warrnambool in Victoria, Australia and Auckland in New Zealand.
To conform with current practice, and to increase the likelihood of enquirers hitting the right site, you may have noticed the Fellowship's website address has changed to
The old address,, will continue to operate, and redirect enquiries automatically to the new site for the next year or so.
While we're on the topic of websites, you can keep up-to-date on what's happening for the June International Convention in Perth by keeping your eye on
There are details of the Convention Programme, the Locations as well as good deals on accommodation for those planning to stay in hotels/backpackers.
Perth assembly is inviting as many as possible to come over for the 4 days prior to the Convention for a big week of evangelizing in the central city (evangelizing starts Tuesday 7th June).
Perth, Western Australia
Introducing the Fiji Assemblies
When you think of Fiji you probably think of swaying palms and golden sands, but there's a lot more to the Pacific Island archipelago than that - as reported by Pastor Nick Rogers who attended the Rally and Outreach there in October.
The Revival Fellowship is located in 11 different centres: some are on the main island of Viti Levu but a number are quite distant on remote islands.
You may have met Fiji's Senior Pastor Ilaitia at a Convention, but unless you have been to one of their Rallies, the other names will probably be new to you. Here are the Pastors and Brothers who oversee the assemblies:
Nadi | Senior Pastor Ilaitia |
Suva | (Senior Pastor Ilaitia) |
Labasa | Pastor Aquila |
Lautoka | Pastor Tevia |
Waibau | Pastor Tiko |
Mololo | Brother Bill |
Mana | Brother Joe |
Namaqumaqqa | Brother Anare |
Cicia | Pastor Kida |
Vanouavatu. | Pastor Rusiate |
Ovalou | Pastor Bill |
"FIJI RALLY - - October 2004
(excerpts from Pastor Nick Rogers' report)
Our first meeting began Friday evening with a number of items and testimonies from various centers. The Australians and New Zealanders are expected to give a testimony and do an item at every meeting.
The Fijians started each day at 5am (yes 5am!) for morning prayer and a short talk.
We evangelized at Lautoka where many people were spoken to, and then later on in the trip at the town of Savusavu on the island of Vanua Levu (which is one of those tropical paradises you see in the movies) and then finally back at Labasa.
Over that first weekend meetings continued throughout. During the prayer time our first visitors received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. After lunch on the Sunday we baptized 8 of them down in Lautoka Bay to complete God's wonderful salvation plan.
Over at Labasa the church is growing rapidly with many healings taking place.
Fourteen people received the Spirit while we were there: four were baptized on the Sunday.
We had an awesome time in Fiji with the saints making us very welcome. It's a great place to visit and very safe for us Aussies. Fiji is an awesome place to preach the gospel - as soon as you mention God, people stop and listen.
Next August the Fiji rally is being held in Labasa. This will be a fantastic rally as it will be the first time a rally has been held on Vanua Levu.
There is not much accommodation which would be suitable for us soft Aussies so if you would like to go you will have to be quick as all those who went this year are planning to return next August to see our wonderful Fijian brothers and sisters.
Pastor Nick Rogers - Gold Coast Revival Assembly"
Sunday meeting at Labasa |
All smiles |
Some of the visitors getting into the sulas |
Ps Nick with Liz who has just received the Holy Spirit |
A Baptism at Labasa |
Brother in Lambasa testifying of remarkable healing of after-effects of a stroke |
In other News…
Bangkok and India
A number of Indians have come to the Lord in Bangkok and contacts home to India have produced baptisms over there. Brother Vijay from Bangkok has also been home to India and baptized a handful of people. He plans to visit again to see what the Lord might do.
Brother Veejay and his family
Ps Ron Carslake, Brian Allen and Sammy Mwanzia from Kenya report there are now over 100 folk in our assemblies - established in Zambia only 4 months ago.
Two of the new leaders attended the Christmas Camp over in Kenya and enjoyed the extra training. Further contacts in Botswana are also being followed up.
Photos from Around the Christmas Camps